Comic Publishers & Diamond Distribution have halted all shipping on new books until the shutdowns are lifted. If you have not contacted us to make arrangements to have your books shipped yet please do. If during this time you need to put a hold on your pulls please let us know immediately. Also, if there are books you want but are not subscribed to them we highly recommend you have them added to your pull list, as we will be drastically cutting down our “shelf” books due to the uncertanties this has created.We know this is a trying time & difficult for everyone. We are doing our best to make sure Comics World will still be here after this is all over but we need all of you to help. Have your current books or some additonal books or graphic novels shipped to you or join us for our online sales. Without new product coming in we will need to figure out new ways to generate income for the store & my family. Every little bit helps at this time.Thank you to all of our loyal customers. We couldn’t do this without you. We look forward to serving you all for many years to come. – John